Saturday, February 02, 2008

PIX VIX AUX Onemotion Creativize - New Usefuls 2008-0202

vix = video record it
pix = photograph it
aux = sound record it (audio) - per Steven TAY (2008-0201)
onemotion = 1x stroke to get things done

I want to do a vix of the show. It is quite fun vixing that event. If only i can vix it now. I vixed it yesterday.

I took some pixs of the event. Pixing is really fun. I'd like to pix you sometime.

We should do an aux someday. Auxing the sound and speech is so tough. Give me the aux of the talk please.

This method is so onemotion, wow, so easy. Being onemotion means you only need 1x stroke, 1x clcik, 1x swipe, 1x move.... to get something done. Let's onemotion it. I think he is onemotioning the new process.

Let's creativize the work, make it more wow. He is now creativizing, don't bother him.

Well, we need more words to describe important actions. Just my contribution here. You will see me using it very often, like normal words.

That's it.

dezz South Singapore
2008-0202 1305pm


Blogger Unknown said...

Am with you on Onemotion & Creativize.

How about Frenz for friend? Like Mediafrenz & Photofrenz.

February 25, 2008 at 10:22 AM  

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