Sunday, August 15, 2004

SMS Unilateral Communications 20040815

SMS - Short Message Service. How this has become the new language medium of the cellphone world.

You can be reached with an SMS from another CellPhone or from a Website or from an Email System. Even if you cellphone is OFF, the SMS (Text Message) is PARKED and will pop up once you ON your Cellphone. You can be reached almost anywhere in the world.


Well, when SMS became available some years ago, I was using the AlphaNumeric Pager. It was fascinating enough then that a Pager can get a TEXT MESSAGE. Then the CellPhone came along but was not able to receive SMSs yet. So I "pushed" the idea of the AlphaNumeric Pager and asked many of my friends to adopt it. However, many of them retorted, and said that I needed to simply CALL them on the cellphone, TEXT MESSAGES are not useful at all compared with the Talk-Live Cellphone.

I knew that this One-Way Comms has a special role and that being sent a message while I am anywhere is such a powerful idea. And more so when I NEED NOT answer the sender immediately, which is necessary in so many social and business situations.

And now the SMS phenomenon has exploded, at least in Asia. And I am so glad that we are using this One-Way Comms effectively.

Saying so Much, with just so little. SMS.

Great SMS Sites in SINGAPORE:



The weakest of them all, M1 Owners must OPT for this feature, pay a subscription fee, to be able to receive SMS from the Internet Site.

DM 20040815sun 1020p SINGAPORE


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