WEB and EMAIL Name BeCLEAR 20050608
The WWW (and the EMAIL) has transformed the world. Is it the greatest good since, sliced bread?
Well, for normal beings like me, I just want to let all the great people out there who publish a WebPage, and those who are beginning to create email accounts, to be aware of this:
WebPage HomePage TITLE.
When we do a Bookmark or Favourites, the WebPage Title or Name appears, for us to slot into a folder to SAVE. Even though we know that SORTING is a powerful feature in computing, programmers still have the word "Welcome to WEBNAME" as the title! This means that I'd have to edit that line before I save, if I did not want the poor first word of "Welcome."
So Programmers, please reverse the words. Say, "BBBXXX Welcomes you," and we shall be able to SAVE the Webpage as a "B" and not "W." Better still, add short notes to give a hint as to what your website is all about - "BBBXXX - Music Tools for Songwriters."
EMAIL Names.
For a start, it is already so difficult to remember who is who by an email when someone uses a cryptic name (skyrocker, eeePPP, Homemaker01....) So do please use a very clear eNAME that allows other to identify and SORT properly in the address book, without extra renaming.
And if you are in a company, avoid the first name only method like, John@bbbxxx.org. And when there are two Johns, then it complicates the system. So be clear, have a name like JohnLEE@bbbxxx.org, MaryGRACE@aaabb.com, AllanTANkc@chinee.org, LEEwongmeng@chinezz.com, and so forth.
Be OneMotion, save people's time, be CLEAR, be SMART.
Regards. DMOEY 20050608 Monday South SINGAPORE.